Friday, June 27, 2008

First summer Week end

The sun is setting, the rocking chairs are waiting on the porch,
The lounging chairs are waiting on the roofs
The summer perfumes are hanging in the air..
flowers..cut grass..or smoking barbecue chips
Will it be in the countryside or in town,
Let's enjoy a summer week end.

Le soleil disparait a l'horizon,
Les rocking chairs attendent sur le porche,les chaises longues sur les toits
Les parfums d'ete embaument l'atmosphere,
des fleurs... celui de l'herbe coupée.. ou du barbecue..
Que ce soit a la campagne ou en ville,
Je vous souhaite un tres bon week end d'été.


magiceye June 27, 2008 at 12:38 AM  

oh wow! such a lovely place!

Wanderer June 27, 2008 at 1:03 AM  

The second pic looks like a a TV or film set up--
The top pic --what a restful looking home-- i imagine it filled with family.

Bergson June 27, 2008 at 2:13 AM  

Pour la terrasse il faut monter en rappel ou par le velux ??Toutes ces clim ne m'ont pas l'air trop écologique

alice June 27, 2008 at 2:26 AM  

Quelle maison de rêve... Et cette terrasse qui est aussi un tel privilège dans une grande ville. Un très bon weekend à toi aussi! Le nôtre se passera dans une camionnette de déménagement, d'un bout à l'autre -et vice et versa- de la France, vivement lundi (soir)!

claude June 27, 2008 at 3:03 AM  

La maison est très belle et la terrasse trognotte tout plein. Alice a raison avoir une terrasse comme celle-ci en pleine ville, quel bonheur ! Mais l'air est--il sain ?

PeterParis June 27, 2008 at 3:36 AM  

Je rêve d’une (toute petite) terrasse !

hpy June 27, 2008 at 5:31 AM  

Avoir une terrasse, même un balcon, un tout petit balcon, c'est formidable quand on habite une grande ville, car ça permet de s'échapper.

La maison sur la photo n° 1 n'a pas la chance d'avoir une grande terrasse sur le toit.

Bon WE.

Anonymous June 27, 2008 at 7:03 AM  

So much for the difference between a home surrounded by neighbors, trees, green grass and a front porch and a roof deck. The deck is nice to have and would do in a pinch but to me it is like visiting the zoo and seeing animals in cages and you know they want to be at home running wild and free. But that can never be and that's indeed sad.


Thanks to you and others, I get a big lift out of trying to outdo myself and post things that may surprise some and make others laugh a bit and most of all make lots of people aware of things that might not know much about.

When somebody actually takes the time to write a comment about my work and what I do, that to me is the biggest gift a person can give another. It is a smile on greeting, it is a welcome handshake, and it gives me and my family some hope that the dementia farm is still down the road.

You, yourself, are an inspiration to me. I come back not only to say, "thanks for visiting and leaving a comment" but thanks for taking the time to photograph things of interest and great beauty. Without that, blogging would be about as exciting as a wart on the end of my nose.

So, thanks for stopping at my blog. And rest assured, when you do, I will always try to visit your blog, in return, and leave a comment on your blog. I might not think your photography is ready for the masterpiece award, but it got my attention.


Abraham Lincoln
oldmanlincoln in Brookville, Ohio

Squirrel June 27, 2008 at 8:43 AM  

did you stay around long enough to see the action? It looks like they left a lot of equip. up on the higher roof-- but I can't see what it is-- they certainly had enough chairs, and stuff on that rooftop!

Squirrel June 27, 2008 at 8:44 AM  

You certainly were in the right place for the shot. early morning light?

lyliane six June 27, 2008 at 8:55 AM  

Qu'elle superbe maison, et là bas les terasses des immeubles, ont peut au moins en profiter, mais à Paris et ailleurs dans les grandes villes, ce privilège est réservé aux riches.

Nazzareno June 27, 2008 at 9:56 AM  

Le we du riche dirigeant et ce du pauvre ouvrier!
Si je devais choisir où être, je serais sûrement en short sur le toit, avec un sandwich et une cigarette…ah, j'oubliais que je ne fume, regrette-moi... je devrai me sacrifier à le passer dans cette horrible villa!

Anonymous June 27, 2008 at 10:28 AM  

Le contraste entre les deux est frappant, bien vu !

Ken Mac June 27, 2008 at 11:00 AM  

those roofers have it right! Now how do you decide which group to join? City or country?

Betty F June 27, 2008 at 11:36 AM  

What great photos! I think I like that country front porch and to my desert (desert? dessert?) eye it looks nice and cool.
I love the contrast between the two.
Your photos amaze me.

Marguerite-marie June 27, 2008 at 1:54 PM  

j'aime les deux . J'adore voir cette vie sur les toits. Bon Week end MN.

Clueless in Boston June 28, 2008 at 11:10 AM  

Beautiful house and nice contrast with the rooftop apartment, but I would much prefer the suburban house with its nice porch and grounds. Great way to spend a summer afternoon is sitting on a porch sipping a favorite beverage.

Catherine June 28, 2008 at 3:35 PM  

Je suppose que posséder une terrasse comme celle ci est ub luxe et a un prix! Je trouve cette terrasse si tentante. J'aimerais y passer de longues heures.
Et cette lumière de fin de journée est excellente. J'aime la ville et son agitation.

Chuck Pefley June 28, 2008 at 4:43 PM  

Marie Noyale, I like the contrast of lifestyles represented in these two dichotomous images. Both have appeal to me. One is very gracious and the other a refuge in the urban jungle.

Don't think I agree with Abe's idea of the deck being a cage. :)

Olivier June 30, 2008 at 2:20 AM  

les deux donnent envies, mais une préférence pour la terrace new yorkaise ;o)

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