Tuesday, June 24, 2008

On Broadway

Nowadays , the New York Taxicabs not only drive you around the city
but they also became, like buses , a new way of advertising.
And I found the pose of this cabdriver perfect for this music show.
He would be advertising for Mary Poppins.. The little Mermaid
Guys and Dolls or Les liaisons dangereuses...
It just would not be the same...

De nos jours,les Taxis New Yorkais ne se contentent plus de vous conduire
a travers la ville, mais comme les autobus ,
ils sont devenus une nouvelle façon de faire de la publicite.
J'ai trouve le port de tête de ce chauffeur tout a fait aproprié,
avec la comedie musicale qu'il promeut.
S'il avait fait de la pub pour Mary Poppins,La Petite Sirene.
Les Liaisons Dangereuses ou Mama Mia!
Cela n'aurait pas eu le meme Impact....


Catherine June 24, 2008 at 1:35 AM  

You're right, the cab driver and his cab are well matched. Very exotic, these both two.

Olivier June 24, 2008 at 2:21 AM  

alors là, bien vu l'artiste, beau rapport entre le maitre du taxi et le roi des animaux.
c'est amusant, il y a des spectacles, tu as l'impression qu'ils ne quitteront jamais l'affiche, depuis que je viens a NYC, je vois toujours cette affiche.

Nazzareno June 24, 2008 at 2:36 AM  

Splendide coup d'oeil et belles considérations.
...peut-être si aussi le client du taxi était en sujet avec la comedie musical?

alice June 24, 2008 at 2:40 AM  

Jolie coïncidence. Et quel coup d'oeil cette fois encore!

Bergson June 24, 2008 at 3:02 AM  

Marie Noyale reste assise sur un banc attendant la photo ?

joli coup d'oeil *-)

claude June 24, 2008 at 4:41 AM  

Des taxi publicitaires et celui-ci conduit par un chauffeur enturbanné.
J'aurais chaud à la tête avec ce truc là. Niorlament, si je connais bien mon truc, ce ne serait pas plutôt The Tiger King... mais c'est bien vu quand même ! Bravo !

Anonymous June 24, 2008 at 8:14 AM  

Thanks for your visit to my blog Brookville Daily Photo this morning. I hope you enjoyed my post today showing the honey bee and the hollyhock flower.

I saw a special last night about the disappearance of honey bees and it is sad to think that most of the fruit, nuts and vegetables we eat would disappear with them. So governments are busy trying to find the culprit before it is too late and one huge problem is the use of insecticides.

Anyway, I wanted you to know I was here to repay your visit and comment with one of my own. Kind of like "Kilroy" was here... remember those drawings everyone used to make?

I enjoyed reading your blog post for today and I thought the photography was good too. I once saw a television special about people from India coming to New York City and all the things they have to learn in this strange city and land before the cab companies will hire them. Learning all the streets is the biggest challenge.

Betty F June 24, 2008 at 11:29 AM  

This is a wonderful picture. there's so much to see in it; so many different things.

Vagabondage June 24, 2008 at 12:00 PM  

Rhooooooooo, il me ferait peur ce Monsieur....

Quel coup d'oeil...

Tu crois qu'il pourrait chanter?

Bonne soirée à toi.

Anonymous June 24, 2008 at 2:02 PM  

I wonder if this cab driver has even had a chance to go see the musical he advertises on his cab...I hope he did because it's a great show!
Haha! And I love the musical accompaniement!

Livio Bonino June 24, 2008 at 3:28 PM  

The advertising is incumbent on our life day-to-day, really I can't stand seeing advertising always and everywhere.

Cergie June 25, 2008 at 3:48 PM  

Toi qui connais les vareuses bretonnes, tu trouves pas que l'harmonie crevette de ce chauffeur est du plus bel effet ?
J'admire toujours la brillance des carrosseries, que ce soit une voiture individuelle, un taxi ou même un trucker.

(Vaut mieux pas trop regarder l'état de ma kangoo.)

Bobby D. June 26, 2008 at 9:57 AM  

I love the colors--his shirt and turban are really beautiful tones and they go well with taxicab gold. He's concentrating on the traffic, but like all of us, he has a life story.

Il y a aussi..There is also...


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