Back to work. C'est ce que je viens de me dire aussi avant de me plonger dans le blogosphère pour la première visite de la semaine. Que quatre jours, et ce sera de nouveau le weekend.
There's a richness to wood that is incomparable, but as Juergen says, it needs care. This is a nice photo, balancing wood, marble and the red steel post...
Back to work. C'est ce que je viens de me dire aussi avant de me plonger dans le blogosphère pour la première visite de la semaine. Que quatre jours, et ce sera de nouveau le weekend.
on dirait un tableau d'Edward Hooper. l'ambiance, le ton, la solitude, bravo
Il n'y aura pas beaucoup de boulot ces jours suivants que de ponts en Mai!mais il y auras toujours de la poussière.
He definitely puts his elbow into his work - that wood is just gleeming. I like the red of the pole & the red in his hat. Memorable photograph, M-N.
le monsieur est petit ou les fenêtres sont vraiment grandes ;)
I know I will never be disappointed by what you post!
Chacun retrouve ses tâches jusqu'au prochain week-end.
J'ose à peine te dire que, moi, je suis en vacances : )
beautiful rich colors!
No, not back to working (for me), just back to blogging! (Well, I should perhaps clean my windows also!) :-)
Tout à fait d'accord avec Olivier! Quant à Peter, je croyais que son lama se chargeait des carreaux?
Des bises!
Beautiful frontage on that restaurant. The wood is so richly colored and the contrasting granite is gleaming; it certainly is eye-catching..
Beautiful image in every sense.
Those lovely old window frames need constant care.
Great capture! The red pillar gives the photo a special touch!
Great picture!
I wish you a wonderful week!
Good work!
Il a l'air vachement motiver le gars ! La cool attitude pour nettoyer.
He's giving a nice polish. Reminds me that my outside windows need washing. SO MUCH POLLEN here.
There's a richness to wood that is incomparable, but as Juergen says, it needs care. This is a nice photo, balancing wood, marble and the red steel post...
The worker completes the project!
It looks so well cared for, makes me want to jump up and put a shine on everything!
ah ah ah ! quel travail de fourmi ! celà paraît incroyable ! un si grand building ! ;-)
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