Theme Day : Change
But may be , what has changed the most,
is the "change" we need to get a drink!!!
At the time 10 cents were enough...
Petit jeu de mot avec le Theme du mois: La petite monnaie se dit aussi Change
Les distributeurs de boisson ont subi quelques petits changements..
mais sans doute ce qui a le plus changé,
c'est le montant que nous devons y mettre pour nous desalterer!!
a l'epoque 10centimes suffisaient ...
All my best wishes to all of you, for this new year 2010.
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
Oh yes - the change has certainly changed!
Wishing you a very happy new year!
Oh what a change ... and the drinks were contained in real glass reusable bottles that gave you a bit of change back when you returned them to the store. Great old machines!
Happy New Year!!
What a superb lineup in red! They almost look human. Sure beats adding water from a nozzle to powder.
I wish you health and happiness as we move into 2010.
Oh yes, I love those beautiful old rounded machines. I too posted something not dissimilar today, Marie-Noyale - the old and the new Martini bottles. Everything changes...
I wish you and yours a very happy, peaceful and healthy 2010 and thanks for the great photos over the year.
Where did you find this treasure trove of beautiful old dispensers? I love them!
Wishing you and your family a new year blessed with peace, joy, prosperity, good health and much love.
Bonne année à toi! Bises!
I have never seen a soda machine like these in real life... only on American films. A fantastic photo for the theme day!
I still think COKE tastes best from a glass bottle.
Love your double-edged interpretation of 'change' in this post. Best wishes to you in 2010.
Très astucieux Marie Noyale ! Maintenant....On arrose la nouvelle année au Champagne ou au Coca ?
Bonne Année à toi, Marie Noyale.
Yes this is a good barometer of change. I even have a case of those returnable coke bottles in my basement. Happy 2010, M-N, and I look forward to seeing your beautiful images this year.
I like the old vending machines better. Nowadays you can't get a bottle of pop with change, it requires bills. Happy New Year to you and yours.
This is just great! I wish we could still have these beauties around...
Happy New Year, Marie-Noyale!
Great image! Have a wonderful 2010!
Nice photo, an interesting lineup of old machines. And yes, the change needed has changed!
Happy New Year,
Three Rivers Daily Photo
you bring back such memories. i loved this old antique coke machines. i liked the glass bottles also. I much prefer glass to cans. Happy New Year and I wish you many photographic opportunities in 2010.
Love these old guys! Change does make us nostalgic, doesn't it?
The biggest "change" is what we pay for bottled water!
Une très belle année 2010 à vous, Marie-Noyale.
Pardon!!! I missed you on THeme Day but now I'm here and having so many fond memories of these "old" machines. There is still nothing as delicious as a "real" Coke in the small bottles! Sorry, but the French Cokes are just not quite as good! :)
I don't worry too much about the Coke prices; the champagne prices have not gone up since last year!!
I wish you a Happy New Year!
Alors! Tu as célébré la nouvelle année en buvant du cola?
Bonne année, bonne santé, et que la vie te soit douce.
Bloavez mad
Elles sont belles ces vieilles machines !
It's the Real Thing! Great shot WITH your signature colors.
A very happy new year to you and yours.
Ah, I remember those old machines and I remember when you could get a coke for a dime and a piece of candy for a penny!
Fascinating post.
And my very best wishes to you Marie-Noyale for a wonderful New Year! May all you dreams come true!
j'avais rate de post (en meme temps, je te souhaite une BONNE ANNEE 2010). Bonne idée cette collection de distributeurs
Ce qui a changé aussi est la variété de l'offre et les salaires et la part de l'alimentation dans les dépenses.
Autrefois on buvait de l'eau de la rivière ou du marigot... Et Astérix a inventé le thé tu le sais bien car avant on ne buvait que de l'eau chaude !
Sympa la photo ! Actuellement on pourrait faire à peu près la même avec les distributeurs des espaces publics carrossés différement offrant les même produits inchangés.
Une heureuse nouvelle année à toi Marie Noyale, portée sur la vague fraîche de l'enthousiasme et du succés !
Des vrais Pères Noël !! mes parents ont encore un véritable "Frigidaire" des années soixante ! les mêmes lignes arrondies de l'époque ;-)
Bien vu ! J'adorerais en avoir une dans ma cuisine, encore que je ne suis pas sûre que ça aille super bien avec le thème alsacien !
Bloavezh Mad !
These were much prettier than the new ones, and I agree with Chuck--let's hear it for glass bottles and recycling.
always a classic! yes i can remember when i could buy both a coke and a smile for mere coins. beautiful nostalgic shot.
the old machines, so charming! thanks for sharing this photo...
j'espère que tout va bien et que tu ne vas pas finir ce blog sur une pub ;-)
He tenido problemas con PC,pero ya está solucionado.Magnífica foto de esas máquinas del pasado,que hoy son de museo. Me hace pensar lo que se ha encarecido la vida...donde vamos a llegar? Saludos
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