When walking the streets of the City,
you get used to celebrity encounters , but this time
He seemed as surprised as I was !!
Quand on flane dans les rues de la ville,il n'est pas inhabituel de tomber nez a nez avec une celebrité,mais cette fois il a l'air aussi surpris que moi !!
Il a toujours l'air surpris!
Mr. brainwash did a good job...excellent find. (I'm perhaps a boycott of one of Allen's films. And Hannah & Her Sisters is one of my faves.)
This is so fantastic !! Nice and beautiful !!
"Most of the time I don't have much fun. The rest of the time I don't have any fun at all." Maybe Mr Brainwash had that Woody Allen quote in mind! Good photo, well seen.
Ah, Woody on the edge. How appropriate.
Really a great shot! Woody is wonderful!
Pleasant surprise..
That fella often looks surprised...I think life surprises him! Lots of interesting stuff to see in your city!
Oh this is a great find. I'm so happy to have you back and have your wonderful photos to look forward to each and every day!!
Tu as fait une salade de pissenlits ? ;-)
C'est vrai qu'il a l'air tout surpris de voir la superstar blogueuse que tu es !
comme le dit si bien hpy, on dirait qu'il a toujours avalé un truc de travers et que ses yeux roulent et roulent encore derrière ses grosses lunettes. Par contre, j'aime bien ses baskets. Bises
il a les yeux qui roulent lorsqu'il voir une belle femme
tu te défile bien comme 10 éme
You must have said "Boo!". Poor Woody looks quite frightened -:)
Ah, the younger Woody. Before we decided we weren't too sure about him. Nonetheless, the photo is amusing.
j'adore !
Great find! :-)
Yes, Woody seems always to be a bit lost and surprised... and he may not have expected to see you there!
est-ce une exposition, je vais faire une petite recherche, j'ai été fan de Woody pendant longtemps et je serai à N-Y next week!!!
excellente photo!
He is thinking...."What are you looking at?" LOL
Tiens, il vient de faire son apparition à Avignon aussi. A-t-il, en plus de tous ses talents, le don d'ubiquité ?
This must be unsettling to suddenly see. I think I would jump! I saw Nathalie's Woody on Avignon. So interesting he features in your two cities but of course he is always associated with NY.
A défaut d'être placée par Gregory Peck, tu as déniché Woody. Une sympathique rencontre, informelle.
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