Be careful if you don't look up,
Things may pass right under your nose and you won't notice...
Faites attention, levez la tete,des tas de choses peuvent vous passer sous le nez sans que vous ne vous en rendiez compte...New York Subway,
Times Square Station.
allez moi je sors 41th street, direction le bryant park ;)
That is a fabulous shot with the man in focus but not the train.
such a great shot.
& so true, things pass by me all the time without my noticing - especially if I am absorbed in my reading.
Excellent photo, Marie-Noyale. I must practice these 'blurred movement' photos. Actually, I pretty much always look up; Belgrade has some beautiful old facades.
Ou vous passer sur le corps !
Ne bougez pas, n'avancez surtout pas!
Au moins lui, personne ne l'a poussé...
Great post and photograph Marie..
What a thought provoking post. Excellent work here.
En plus de laisser passer son métro, il a peut-être perdu son chemin. Il y a des journées qui commencent mal, des fois...
Super shot. I"ve never taken many Metro shots in Paris. Guess I'm a little intimidated. Love the movement you caught here. One must mind the gap! :)
Wonderful idea and this picture is beautiful!
Motion and stillness all in one. Great photo.
Love the blur of the train. Almost as if it were a phantom.
encore raté !!
Great work! I even get a little dizzy by the motion in this pic! :-)
Nice job! I love his nonchalance to the subway whizzing by!
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