Theme Day : Red
New Yorkers are starting to see Red!!!
Avec tout ce qui tombe du ciel,
les New Yorkais commencent a voir Rouge!!!
If you want to see Red all over :
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
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Looks wet!! Great choice, Marie-Noyale!!
Wonderful shot. I like the diffuse lights of the traffic lights becaus of the rain. Well photographed.
I love this photo because it expresses the beauty of an urban space--it almost makes me wish I was out in the rain too.
this looks like a vivid watercolor painting.
une plongée dans le rouge nuit , extra !
superbe, on dirait une peinture , j'adore ce mvt mélangé avec le reflet, BRAVO
Bravo ! Mais c'est quoi ces deux feux verts ? ;-)
J'adore le piéton.
Ce n'est plus la nuit noire, c'est la nuit rouge. Tu fais très fort pour retour Marie-Noyale ! Super choix pour ce thème.
Oh dear lovely Marie-Noyale, I'm so so so happy to see you back. I missed your beautiful post yesterday - what a shot that was. You have been greatly missed and I hope your 'dents' mend properly soon. You are one brave lady.
And what a shot for theme day. Superb!
Wow!! In a certain way, when I see this one, I'm quite happy about your precipitations! :-)
C'est la nuit de l'épouvante ;-)
bon retour à la blogshère
I like the wet look. Nice shot.
I chose a picture I took 55 years ago of my Patty wearing a red dress. On April Fool's Day, April 1, 1955.
I gave her a diamond engagement ring, and today, April 1, 2010 is my entry for theme day on my Brookville Daily Photo blog.
Wow - what a capture! So glad you are back!
C'est vraiment une photo magnifique. Je suis très contente de vous retrouver en ligne.
fantastic image for theme day.
Even the umbrella is red! Cool reflections. The green lights almost lend a Christmas feeling.
Just beautiful! I love to take photos in the rain.
P.S. my wv is 'paliti,' which in Serbian means 'to set on fire'!
That is really red.
Very nice capture. It is certainly red. Driving in a city the lights always seem to be red, don't they.
this is one of the top theme photos today. A true winner! excellent image
This is gorgeous. I've wanted to try a shot like this but I think I need to come to NYC to get it! :) A perfect theme day post of course. I am looking forward to your wonderful photographs. I always learn so much from you.
Very well done! I love night photos taken after a rain or on a rainy evening! Really stunning reflections!
Fantastic shot!
We had lots and lots of rain this winter but hopefully it's all gone now, although this seems to be a lousy spring so far...
Almost missed viewing this one. Fabulous photo for theme day. Very atmospheric, like an impressionist painting.
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