Friday, November 7, 2008

The Guardian

Many of you have noticed the new regulation
forbiding pictures at any exhibition...
Some galleries in NYC are located on the upper floors of buildings.
The Gagosian Gallery on Madison Avenue is one of them.
Going out off the elevator,on my way to their new exhibit,
I could not help but take the picture of the guard..
When I reached him he welcomed me ,saying with a smile:
"NO pictures INSIDE the Gallery"!!!
The exhibit is called :
"Portraits by Alberto Giacometti and Francis Bacon"
If you have a chance until December 13, don't miss it.

Beaucoup d'entre vous ont surement remarqué cette nouvelle
interdiction de prendre des photos dans les expositions..
Dans Manhattan, de nombreuses galeries sont situees à l' etage,
la Gallerie Gagosian sur Madison Avenue est au 4, 5, et 6 eme etages.
En sortant de l'ascenseur, je n'ai pu resister a prendre
le guarde qui attendait a l'entrée.
Quand je suis arrivée a son niveau, il m'a accueillie avec un petit sourire:
"PAS de photos , DANS la Galerie"!!!
Si vous etes a NY avant le 13 decembre, cette exposition regroupe
des oeuvres de Giacometti et Bacon, dont un certain nombre
ont ete inspire par la meme muse , Isabel Rawsthorne.

I wish you all , a very good Week End.


claude November 7, 2008 at 2:31 AM  

Il n'a pas l'air d'être là que pour épater la galerie ! Non, c'est pas bon ? Bon ben je pars en week-end chez moi, WE que je te souhaite excellent !

alice November 7, 2008 at 3:31 AM  

Même s'il garde le sourire, on est tenté d'obéir! Bon week end!

Daniel November 7, 2008 at 3:33 AM  

Parfois il y à des exceptions, j'ai récemment visité le petit Trianon seul les flashs étaient interdit alors quelques années passées les photos était interdites ????
Je me suis vue interdire de photographier une galerie minable dans un super marche??? ... MDR

Anonymous November 7, 2008 at 4:59 AM  

I wonder what the gallery has to hide?

Nazzareno November 7, 2008 at 5:52 AM  

Brrr!!!!....aie vraiment l'aspect d'une vraie garde, très mais très mauvaise!

Unknown November 7, 2008 at 7:11 AM  

Glad you took this photo outside the exhibition because it's gorgeous!

PeterParis November 7, 2008 at 7:32 AM  

Taking photos in museums, churches... is not a big issue here - at least yet - flashes to be avoided of course.

The problem with expositions is that it's a collection of often private pieces of art and that there you may have a copyright issue.

Giacometti and Bacon... must be nice and interesting!

hpy November 7, 2008 at 7:57 AM  

Certains pays sont "pire" que d'autres, mais je comprends aussi les interdictions dans certains cas. Et puis, si cela te donne la possibilité de faire des photos comme celle-ci à la place, ce n'est pas trop mal!

Jilly November 7, 2008 at 9:15 AM  

What a pity you are not allowed to photograph. I find it mixed here, sometimes yes, sometimes no. Love the perspective of your shot - such great depth. Yesterday's light on the pumpkins - fabulous!

Chuck Pefley November 7, 2008 at 11:57 AM  

As an artist who depends on image sales for income I heartily agree with the no photos rule. However, as an image making artist I, too, am sometimes frustrated. An odd dichotomy.

Your pumpkins on the counter are wonderful, and the night light neon of the day before from downtown is quite nice ... as was the outcome of the election!

Cergie November 7, 2008 at 12:06 PM  

Les à cotés sont souvent intéressants à immortaliser(extérieurs, entrées, restrooms); les salles et les personnes qui visitent donnent bien l'âme d'un musée par contre, au delà des oeuvres, dommage de devoir d'en priver

Extra comme le gardien a pris la pose ! Une belle perspective et tu as eu du mérite avec le manque de lumière. Ce n'est guère évident d'être là, un peu comme des potiches, cependant les gardiens sont très aimables et prêts à renseigner, j'ai constaté cela au musée des Arts et Métiers.
Ceci dit personnellement je n'aimerais guère être mitraillée de la sorte, ils ne peuvent pas s'échapper.

Bergson November 7, 2008 at 4:18 PM  

tu lui as fait un développement?
Il semble enfermé dans son cadre

Mame November 7, 2008 at 6:39 PM  

This is an evocative image. It almost looks like a hotel which begs the question - what's with the security guy at the end of the hallway?

The art blogs have been active with the debate of photography in exhibitions. I don't see a downside to the argument, rather a resistance to reality - that cameras are ubiquitous, small, and easy to manipulate surreptitiously. Leave it to Gagosian Gallery to try to control viewer behavior.

Mame November 7, 2008 at 6:39 PM  

This is an evocative image. It almost looks like a hotel which begs the question - what's with the security guy at the end of the hallway?

The art blogs have been active with the debate of photography in exhibitions. I don't see a downside to the argument, rather a resistance to reality - that cameras are ubiquitous, small, and easy to manipulate surreptitiously. Leave it to Gagosian Gallery to try to control viewer behavior.

PJ November 7, 2008 at 8:14 PM  

This is a very clever take on the restrictive photo opportunities at the galery! And it's a very good ohhotograph and portrait to boot!

magiceye November 8, 2008 at 1:04 AM  

the security is forbidding

 gmirage November 8, 2008 at 3:45 AM  

I was once told off while inside the museum (Albertina,Vienna) to not photograph any of the painting. I wonder why, it was a very small museum compared to the Louvre, and at the Louvre its fine...

Love the symmetry and lighting you used here....

Anonymous November 8, 2008 at 4:32 AM  

An excellent photograph.

Tanya Breese November 8, 2008 at 8:20 AM  

It's a very impressive photo but darn him for not letting you take one inside!
Great shot though :)

Virginia November 8, 2008 at 5:39 PM  

oh how well I know! I got a look from the security guard today at our museum while working there. I was taking photos of the long lines waiting FOR the museum and he thought I was the one with the flash going off! Visiting exhibitions never allow photographpy as far as I can tell , as Peter said. Stop by tomorrow for our fond farewell to Leonardo!

Your color in this one is exceptional!!!

Tash November 9, 2008 at 1:55 AM  

My 1st thought was of you as Agent 99 going down a long hallway in Get Smart, with a camera snapping away :) - this is so good, with the simplicity, repetition and the pull toward the subject

Nathalie H.D. November 9, 2008 at 3:01 AM  

So glad the story ends with a smile on his face and yours!!!
You made my day both with the story and the pic.

Nathalie H.D. November 9, 2008 at 3:02 AM  

Your photo yesterday is a little gem. Isn't it a blessing to have the ability to enjoy such small pleasures in life?

Il y a aussi..There is also...


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