Columbus Circle
I find it amazing ,that it is much harder to date a picture
in Black & White, than it is with a colored one...
This one from yesterday,could have been taken anytime in the last 10 years?..
Juste une refflexion..
Il me semble toujours plus difficile de dater une photo en noir & blanc,
contrairement a une photo couleur...
Celle ci ,bien que d'hier, aurait pu etre prise dans les 10 dernieres annees?...
la seule chose qui trahit c'est les voitures....saloperie de voitures....une belle photo en mode plongée
tu dis ça à cause des taxis jaunes
Il y a même des voitures qui prennent les passages cloutés.
Absolutely! And a new perspective for me.
So true! This is an excellent perspective you've captured here.
c'est laquelle ta photo dans le Sempe a NYC (because j'ai le livre, je suis fan du New Yorker et de Sempe)
Great shot.
It's very true ! I even thought for a moment that it was Columbus's statue in Barcelona !
Tant de détails à observer sur cette photo! Pour un peu, on la verrait bouger... (non, je n'ai rien bu!)
A very good observation. Black and white often wipes out context, which is one reason it can be so effective. I love the angle of this gives a whole new presence to Columbus Circle.
Re your comment on Ocala DP - We have an increasing number of Hispanics in the area, many of which work on the numerous horse breeding farms. So, we're seeing an increase in these kinds of stores and related shops and restaurants.
This one, though, is located in a tough part of town and I probably wouldn't patronize it for that reason.
Mais en sépia on ne pourrait pas dire 1920. C'est beau vu d'en haut !
Maybe the autos would give it away, but I think you're right, this could be from the past. Great shot from your high perch! :~)
Une photo bien intéressante avec tous ces rappels à l'ordre dans tous les sens du terme.
Yes, that's one alluring things about b&w. It can almost be like recreating the past. I like this perspective also.
C'est vrai...excepté les voitures commme le suggère Olivier, on ne pourrait dater. Et vu de cette hauteur, c'est encore plus difficile de les identifier.
Les piétons sont comme souvent indisciplinés aussi....
The one of the Easter Parade in BW could have been from the 40's!! You are right about this one as well. Just curious. Where were you?
May I invite you to some blogging archelogy. Just pay me a visit today for the instructions.
Fro a fleeting second I thought this was Barcelona!
Oh, Columbus vu d'en haut... Je n'ai jamais eu la chance de la faire celle là!
I like the angle of this shot looking down like this. I guess only the car models might give it away. And I'm told by those more knowledgeable that women's shoe styles can help date a photograph.
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